You Always Have to Pick Yourself First

I follow Gandhi on Twitter. As you guessed, it’s not the real Gandhi, but I love seeing the daily quotes from the phantom ‘Twitterer.’ Today’s quote was, “First they will ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”. I’ve always hugely admired those whose confidence never gave way to the pressure of the masses.  

Self-confidence is an elusive thing; it comes and goes, often without reason. The hard part is holding on with every fiber of your body’s energy so you can believe in something bigger than you. When you look in the mirror, look beyond the silhouette and realize that you can make even the slightest impact on someone’s life- both directly and indirectly.

I’m a believer that ‘ordinary’ seldom inspires. But ‘extraordinary’ more frequently inspires the ‘ordinary’ to creep beyond what he or she did the day before and break down the walls of their comfort zone. The comfort zone is a cozy place but nothing ever grows there.

And, for the self-believers, the pioneers, the renegades, the game changers – the ones the nay-sayers call narcissists- it’s done for purpose far beyond the reach of what they can touch. It’s done for souls of people who need it and the ones that don’t yet know they do. Often times, selflessly jeopardizing personal currency in the hope that strangers will care enough to continue down the blind path of good, is greater than evil. And that they too will embrace the notion that the world can change, one person at time.

All of this starts with one simple choice; you always have to pick yourself first. Even when no one else is.

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